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Top 6 WTF and comic book Easter eggs - The Flash - Episode 10

There were so many Easter eggs in episode 10 of The Flash, a DCTV series. They are obviously trying to stick very close to the Trial of the Flash comic book arc which was sort of the last big Barry Allen arc from the comics. So, let's see the Top 6 WTF and comic book Easter eggs

1) Really Important Teaser for What's to Come Later 

Iris is the person who has the idea that Barry said something during the trial that he said when he came out. It means they are going back and start analyzing. That is very important because Wally was in the speed force. Barry saw the future. 

So, it is the key to defeat the Thinker. So, they have it around them. They just don't know what it is because they haven't decoded it yet. There's no context for it. So like "This house is bitchin", "We're gonna need more diapers", doesn't sound like anything to them even though we as the audience have already connected a lot of those dots. 

But another really good example of foreshadowing is the beginning of the trial when they read Barry's full name, Bartholomew Henry Allen. And then later at the end of the episode, he sees the wall and finds out that Henry Allen, his father was in the cell that they just stuck him in. So, it's a nice bookend to the episode. 

2) Joe Starts Going on the Warpath Trying to Clear Barry 

Joe starts going on the warpath trying to clear Barry using all the creeper skills that elongated man picked up as a private detective. So, they go full Jessica Jones trying to catch the thinker's wife boning with the new version of the thinker. 

Even though it totally doesn't work, the whole idea that he failed Barry's father. It's this nice book in for the beginning of the series and what was happening during season 1 with his father being falsely accused of the murder. 

Taking that foreshadowing a step further, they also imply in future episode descriptions. The beer is going to run into someone with a special connection to Henry Allen. So, they just want to remind you of things in this episode. They foreshadow the gibberish Barry Allen was speaking because that's going to come back around. 

There's a brand new ability that he manifest. That will be really important in a later episode. So, there is a lot of foreshadowing for all kinds of different plot points. Some of them have to do with the trial which is a smaller arc. Some of them are going to be paid off later this season with the big battle with the thinker.

 3) The Actual Trial of the Flash 

Now, this was actually a really big comic book arc because it covers everything from Barry killing the reverse-flash to save his fiancee Fiona Webb. 

In eventually, they ended that comic book run with him and then going on to Crisis on Infinite Earths. They canceled the Flash comic book and when it came back, it was the wally west era of the comics because Barry died or supposedly died during the crisis. So there's a lot of stuff that happens between the actual trial.

4) Mark Balley as Christopher Chance

Mark Balley, the person who is prosecuting Barry Allen, you may recognize as Christopher Chance. He's a DC Comics character that arrow repurposed last season. So, if you are a big comic book fan, I don't think that they're sticking exactly to the flash trial from the comics. Because there were a lot of really crazy comic book level twists. 

Things that would just seem ridiculous if they did him during the TV show. So like people were pretending to be other people. I don't think they're going to take it that far like Abracadabra was a big part of the arc. I don't think that he's going to be part of the trial of the flash. I think it's going to last for a couple episodes tops. 

Then, they will resolve that Barry will find his way out and they'll move into more of a legit battle with the thinker in the back half of the season. But for the next couple of episodes obviously, they intend to do an arc with Barry inside Iron Heights.

5) They Do Have The Meta of the Week Plot

One of the new busts metahumans, Fallout is a comic book character. He basically just gives off radiation. He's like a walking nuclear bomb. So, the crazy thing here talks about foreshadowing is that they solved the problem by venting him into another earth i.e. Earth 15 that Harrison Wells says.

They might choose to bring that back is the tip-off for a crossover. If they like, vent some trash into another universe and it causes problems in that universe. So just remember that there are consequences to their actions and like sometimes even when they are trying to help people or go about their daily lives, they hurt people. 

That was sort of the metaphor of the Fallout character like he was just going to the bank trying to get money so that he could go about his daily life. He wasn't trying to hurt people. So like Barry isn't trying to hurt people but through his own actions without intending it, there is collateral damage to being a hero. So just remember, that idea collateral damage could always cause some problems for Team flash down the road. But this is obviously more about the Thinker right now.

6) The Talk Between Iris and the Thinker's Wife

The Thinker's wife reminds Iris that there are problems that are bigger in the world that they're trying to solve. The whole reason for her throwing team Flash under the bus trying to get Barry out of the way is that the Thinker can enact his plan to enlighten the world the thinker is so dead on saving the world that it'll be fascinating to find out what his actual plan is. 

We haven't gotten any clues for that yet. Only that the 12 metas working together will help him enact that plan. They reminded us in the previous episode that they're not just distractions for Team flash because Barry's like why are you distracting us and he's like oh no there's a much bigger plan than that.

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